“Nothing without your routine!” We all know by now how important consistent weekly training is. I think I say it until I’m blue in the face But, it’s more important than you may think. Yes, regular training will keep the process moving as it should…technique progression, overcoming fears, more comfortable when rolling, camaraderie, etc…
But what I would like to focus on are times when you can’t physically train. Our routine is what we can count on to get though the, “not so great” times specifically, injury. One thing I’ve noticed that helps establish a strong routine is to do it right away, at white belt. You may not realize why coming so often is so beneficial, but you will down the road. Another thing I’ve noticed….the students that were not able to establish that strong routine right away, if an injury happens, they are a ghost. This is because the discipline of showing up when they were healthy wasn’t strong; so, imagine when they’re hurt.
Through the years, we’ve seen an array of injuries from 6 weeks to 1 year recovery times. The key is to treat your training no differently and still show up consistently taking notes, asking questions, and watching the rolling, thus training your mind and brain instead of your body. I am always amazed when the students embrace this mindset; they returned from their injury and barely lost a step. This is because they had a routine set in place and they could count on it. I know sometimes you guys don’t believe me so feel free to talk to your teammates about it, use them as a resource to realize just because your injured, your growth in the art does not stop.